Sunday, October 2, 2011


No idea what I am supposed to do or even if i was supposed to make a blog this week but here it is... Greece this cannot end well!. Since i am not sure what i am supposed to do i will summarize then speak my mind about it. To begin Greece is the weak link in the European Union and is bringing down the price of the Euro by not having enough cash and taking some major loans which they are unable to pay back. This leads Germany to get mad at Greece. Also because the European Union is getting bankrupted this basically defeats the point of the E.U. and may lead to no more E.U.. 
Now here's the fun part, my own thoughts are that Germany may get angry enough because they bear all the burden that they will declare WW3 ( not having learned from there previous wars of course) will invade all the countries that are unable to pay them back and forcibly seize properties of other nations. hmmm.... That sounds a lot like the banksand what they do to people in America but that's for later. Anyway Germany goes into a hissefit and now other nations start to worry and state that if they invade 1 more nation that they will go to war. 
Here comes the irony... Germany soon realizes that all the lands they control look more like a real centralized European Union then what was at the time the E.U. and decide to just finish the job. And so they decide to just invade the rest of Europe...
Anyway if that does happen i am on Germany's side, so long as they don't have an evil dictator again, because i am sick and tired of all the bickering in europe and just want it to stop. 

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