Sunday, October 23, 2011

Animal testing #1

First off let me clearly state my position on the issue of animal testing and you can quote me on this "Animals are only here on the planet for humans, humans first animals second." Now that is my own opinion but i thought it my be better to start out with one that does follow my own mindset in order to understand my opponents view points. So as i began searching i thought to myself what is a die hard animal rights group and PETA came to my mind. Here is the opnion Website. Their main arguement is that the testing is inhumane because it causes pain to animals and that animals must die for no good reason. They propose that animals have rights equal to that of humans and should be treated fairly.

In my opinion PETA is asking for sensible things. Let's not hurt and kill stuff just because we can is part of my identity also. But PETA fails to recognize that the testing on the animals is tests for cancer curing drugs and for each animals they save the further we will be further from a cure. And because the cure takes longer to find people die. And so by transversal property PETA is killing humans. Yes readers PETA is killing their own kind as they give importance to animals over humans. I personally think we should care more about our family over the dog but hey that's just me. Humans first animals second.

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