Sunday, January 8, 2012

Synthesize- Roader

To summarize Roader posts this it seems that the economy is improving. This is indicated by growth of small caps and office space being leased and built. He also says that this is a prime time to invest. I agree completely as the forecasts for the next 12 months are all green. For more economic indicaters we can looks at china and it's boom as well as us intrests rates which if kept low for the next quarter are garunteed to ensure growth. Banks are also lending more and industries are starting to produce more. This leads to a greater money multiplier and the economy will self correct. My personal thoughts are that this is a good turn of events. I hope soceity will realize there mistake and what lead to the economic crisis and at the same time not repeat it.

1 comment:

  1. Revanth:
    Examining Roader's view of the economy is a complex task. The next step--and you've done a thorough job thus far--is to cite the text more to understand features of his rhetoric. Is Roader a conservative? How can one know?


    Mr. Heller
