Sunday, January 29, 2012

Project 2

Class inequality has always been a topic society has discussed. Cynthia Tucker makes an interesting point in here column As I See It. To quickly summarize Tucker thinks that $374,327 is a lot of money. That amount represents how much is needed to be part of the 1% tax bracket. She displays here political beliefs as well by attacking Romney by when he said that tax inequality should only be discussed in "in quiet rooms." Lastly she makes a point saying America is not as rich as it used to be. My opinion on the issue is that $374,327 does not make a person rich. $2.5 million and above should be considered the rich. I am not denying that $374,327 is a good sum of cash but for most people to earn that amount they have to work hard. People who make that amount are usually in senior positions of a company having worked there for a minimum of 20 years but started out earning the average wage of $50,000. They had to work hard for this amount so why are people so quick to take away there years of dedication, handwork and passion. Now if we look at people who earn 2.5 mil or above, the American public is literally just giving there cash away. To put it into perspective people who earn so much need to make over $6500 a day. To stereotype them, these people usually do nothing sitting in a chair all day letting the $374,327 do there hardwork for them as they rack in the rewards. These are the people we need to target not the bottom 1%.

Romney never said that it needed to be "discussed" "in quiet rooms." he did however say that the discussion is meant for quiet rooms because there is nothing to talk about making a boring a dull conversation. This is because the rich already get taxed enough so leave them the hell alone. This debate has been going long enough and only the same old idea's are being represented. Let's take a break and wait for new points to arise.

Lastly, America is much richer then it used to be. Just look at the GDP which is adjusted for inflation. It is easy to see that the nation has grown. The per capita GDP is also better. Complaining that factories have shipped to China? Well do you want to work in one. Or do you prefer a desk job that is more comfortable. Make up your mind Tucker. A service based economy is much more peaceful then a manufacturing one. It is silly to say that the America was better when we produced all of our own stuff. Now we get others to make it, add polish and resell it for 1/100 the work but twice the profit. Problem? I don't see one.

1 comment:

  1. Revanth:
    Both of your entries focus on issues of class, governmental responsibility and issues related to capitalism. Clearly this has been an interest of yours all year. As you continue to explore various topics of research, be mindful of choosing something that is specific and manageable in about 8 pages.
    Mr. Heller
