Saturday, September 24, 2011

Government Protecting themselves

in an ARTICLE about raising gas prices that crippled the daily life of citizens in Bangladesh I found this image 
I found many things interesting about this image and it's argument which I believe is that the government does is not involved with it's citizens
1) they have riot police on the streets just to make sure no riots happen or peaceful protests against the government
2) There is a man in the middle who represents the government, he is surrounded by his guards to protect him from anything which he may be at fault for.
3) That man in the center is not also experiencing the common citizens pains and as of such is disconnected. 
4) The wall of policemen indicate that the man in the center is not approachable and therefore no real change can occur nor does it indicate that the government is listening to the public
5) This one is just a big extra but i think cnn is advertising Nokia because the blue bag is just randomly there and is a different color from everything else. Clever advertising if it is.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

USPS Nearing Bankruptcy

According to the Chicago Tribune the USPS is nearing bankruptcy and would need to be bailed out at the end of next year. This is due to price control by the government, normal companies can raise prices but the USPS being a government agency must jump through bureaucratic hoops in order to increase the price of a stamp of package deliveries. The Tribune also says that this is unacceptable in America as companies should be entitled to use free enterprise to not go bankrupt. A simply solution to this problem would be to let the mail market become laissez faire and let customers chose who they want. Let's hope they fix this because i enjoy getting post cards and the occasional christmas card

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Windows is slowly dieing

According to msnbc, windows is slowly becoming obsolete due to the rise of tablets like the ipad which are not only cheaper then many laptops but do everything you need. In response Microsoft is expected to release a new operating system, Windows 8. Windows 8 is based of off the windows phone and will be a more touch screen/trackpad based operating system. I personally believe that the days of windows is over as over 90% of users do not use computers for anything more then to surf, type document and plays games. they do no longer need Microsoft's complex structure of one operating system fits all but a one system fits three perfectly.